Need some help?
Here are a list of common questions and answers that should help get you on your way. If you still have questions, please check out our contact page for ways to contact us.
What makes The Pix Lounge different?
There are many photo sharing websites on the market, so how does The Pix Lounge differ from these existing sites?
The main competitive advantage to using our service is that we do not require your guest to create an account to share
in your event.
Secondly, we are an event based service and group photos to a specific event rather than grouping photos into often times,
large albums.
With the premium services, you have the option of using our site as an RSVP manager for your event. We will handle the emails,
responses and details for your event, along with offering the sharing of the photos from your guest.
Is The Pix Lounge free?
Yes! The Pix Lounge is free to setup an event, pass around, upload photos and make comments. You do have a few basic limitations such as a 150 photo limit on your event and contextual ads to support the cost of hosting your event.
Why is there Premium Services and what are they?
While a majority of our users use the benefits of the free version, there are many of you who do not want to have your guest see contextual ads or would like more features such as managing RSVPs, email reminders or premium and unique themes.
Why is the Premium Service a subscription?
You do have the option to purchase a lifetime upgrade for your event, but given the life-cycle of
most events, we believe that our users would like to upgrade their event for a few months on either
side of the event.
For example, you have a wedding and you would like your guest to not see contextual ads on your page, you can
purchase a subscription for a few months before and after to give your event that personal feel.
We at The Pix Lounge take your privacy as our #1 concern. We offer the ability to keep your event from being returned in a search, which allows you to share your event with your guest†. With the premium services, you have expanded privacy settings including the ability to lock down your event using your private passcode.
What happens when my Premium Services expire
If you purchase more than three months of a premium service, your privacy settings and image count limitations will remain with your event. However, the premium theme and customizations on the theme will revert to the basic service along with adding back in contextual ads.